Chicago IL
3:57 am,
temperature icon 37°F
Humidity 78 %
Wind Gust: 0 mph

Credit Card Authorization



    MasterCard & Visa (CVV2) security codes are the last 3 digits on the back of the card.
    American Express (CVV2) security codes are the 4 digit code on the upper right of the front of the card.

    I, the undersigned, hereby authorize All American Limousine, Inc., to charge the above listed credit card account the amount indicated on all orders I approve by fax receipt, or my signature (anyone authorized by me to sign) at the time of receipt, and that I will in good faith, make good on the above charges. I do hereby personally guarantee payment of the event of a charge-back or non-payment without just cause, by All American Limousine, Inc. My signature is proof that I knowingly submitted this credit card information as valid & true. My signature denotes that I understand & authorize personal and/or the corporate use of this credit card for future services to be rendered without any or other signatures.

    I have read & understand all of the below policies of All American Limousine, Inc. in the entirety of this credit card authorization. I have initialized each policy to as proof of understanding.

    Do You Agree?